10 cleaning tips for a sparkling home using pop up dumpster bag instead of a dumpster.

10 Cleaning Tips for a Sparkling Home

10 Cleaning Tips for a Sparkling Home

It may seem daunting getting ready to clean your entire house but don't worry, with the right tools, tips, and a pop up dumpster bag, you've got the perfect force behind you for a successful overhaul and sprucing up of your home. 

1. Think of the whole house, not one room at a time:

If you are getting ready to, for example, sweep, why not go carry your broom through the entire home and get one task done before starting another one? This method will help you feel accomplished in tasks because you'll complete one at a time for your entire home.

2. Sick of carrying the spray bottle? Grab a tool caddy!

One of the best tricks we've found is just like any well-prepared craftsman, having your tools with you and easily accessible makes a world of difference. Grab a rag and some q-tips to add to your tool list!

3. Looking at clutter ahead?

Some rooms you may find that while going through closets or drawers, start to seem overpowering in the things you forgot you had! This would be the perfect time to set up your Pop Up Dumpster Bag outside and carry what you don't need. You could make a donation pile, recycling, and toss pile all while tackling tough spaces. 

4. First comes dusting, then vacuuming!

Once you have removed some of the clutter, you may see the dust start to settle! Grab a duster and don't forget the overhead fan blades or the window sills. Once you have dusted the entire home, grab the vacuum for one final sweep through. If you find some of the carpets had a bit of a spill, don't forget to add your baking soda before vacuuming to help eliminate some of those odors!

5. The dreaded bathrooms! Toilets & Showers.

This disinfecting process will be especially important for your bathrooms! A well-traveled space sees the most germs. There are many green-friendly toilet tablets available as well as tub cleaning sprays. Make sure your tools are equipped to deal with a high traffic room.

6. Next we move on to disinfecting surfaces.

The home is starting to look more together than ever! There are plenty of natural remedies for disinfecting surfaces like kitchen countertops. Remember to take a look at your bathrooms for disinfecting those high traffic surfaces as well.

7. Next we sweep and then wet mop!

As mentioned above, you've probably noticed that going through the house with one major cleaning tool helped with speeding up the process. Once the floors have been swept, grab the mop for the kitchen and most traveled areas. If the water looks especially grimy, make sure to do two rounds of mopping. 

8. How is the outdoor furniture looking? Patio? Porch?

Over the years our patio furniture sees some of the best and worst weather conditions. Basic chairs or wood tables may need to be replaced if they were never covered, for example, if it snowed the wood may become warped. Pop Up Dumpster Bag can take that broken-down wood as long as it's not treated. 

9. Appliances check!

Give the microwave, oven, stove, fridge, dishwasher, or trash compactor a good wipe down. If you spray some of the cleaners and let it sit for a minute, it will ease the strain of removing dirt or grime from these appliances. As with stainless steel, make sure to grab a good green polish and give those appliances some extra attention!

10. Admire the work!

Once everything is done and you've made it through your checklist - it's time to sit back and admire the work! Awesome job! Make sure to schedule your Pop Up Dumpster Bag Collection once all of the major cleanings have been gone through. If you have more trash bags than normal, don't worry, we'll take those as well! 


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